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Oxygen-Less Coffee Processing, Anaerobic Fermentation

Anaerobic fermentation of coffee in an environment that lacks oxygen. What????? The cup of coffee you drink everyday is a byproduct of coffee cherries. Coffee bean formulation takes place with the help of roasted seeds of coffee cherries. The process of removing the seed from cherries directly affects the taste of your coffee. Recently, a new method of coffee processing has gathered some attention, 

Anaerobic Fermentation

All coffees, whether washed, natural or honey-processed, must undergo some degree of fermentation post the coffee harvesting phase. A new, tender processing approach is being tried wherein the coffee producers are fermenting coffee in an oxygen-free environment. This method has the potential to inherit distinct characteristics of coffee that make it popular among specialty coffee producers. 

The major benefit of holding the coffee in an oxygen-deprived environment is that it slows the entire fermentation process, leading to the innovation of a different spectrum of coffee flavors to evolve. Generally, it takes up to 96 hours or more for coffee fermentation depending on the thermal retention inside the tank, whereas the washed process is fulfilled within 24 hours on average. 

The flavor can vary depending on the juices stewed in the process. The coffee beans have a far fruitier taste than you would normally extract from a coffee bean. Most of the anaerobic coffee beans taste much sweeter, with prominent fruitier flavors like pineapple, cherries, and maybe even a touch of lemon. 

Process of Developing Anaerobic Coffee

The major equipment in anaerobic fermentation is a stainless steel tank. The tank must be completely sealed from the outside, resulting in the complete eradication of oxygen from the tank. 

Then, the producer grabs honey-like ingredients extracted from the coffee cherries surrounding the seeds. At this stage, the producer has the freedom to add multiple flavors to the mucilage enhancing the coffee flavor profiles. 

Once the gel is ready, it is poured over the coffee seeds, and oxygen is extracted from the tank while sealing it. The anaerobic fermentation process plays a vital role in converting the remaining oxygen into carbon dioxide to eradicate the oxygen pretty quickly. 

The anaerobic fermentation process at the lowest takes up to 24 hours, varying on the basis of what the producer aims to derive from the coffee beans. The producer regularly checks the acidity of the fermenting mixture, incorporating additional additives to balance out the expected extraction. 

Once the process is determined, the coffee flavor tends to be more consistent as it is never going to be influenced by the outside environment. Aim to maintain the ascertained PH level to obtain consistency. 


From roasting the best coffee beans | Anaerobic Fermentation | Kaapi Solutions

The buzz around the anaerobic fermentation of coffee is massive. It is the ideal beverage option for people who like fruity notes and consistency in the coffee flavor, looking forward to reducing the bitterness of the coffee. 

Try out this trending fermentation coffee style at least once in your life. You may love it, or you may hate it! Share your coffee experience with Kaapi Solutions (We might suggest you different options for enhanced caffeine experiences) 

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